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Rev. Irvin Stallworth is the Pastor of New Beginnings Ministries of Naples, Fla. A native of Mobile, Ala., Pastor Stallworth grew up in Lakewood, N.J..


Pastor Stallworth accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior at the tender age of 13 at a youth revival. Later in life, he continued serving the Lord at Greater Little Rock Missionary Baptist Church in Pensacola, Fla. where, in October of 1997 under the spiritual leadership of Dr. Ervin L. McWilson, Sr., he accepted his call into the gospel ministry.


An anointed and gifted preacher, teacher, and administrator, Pastor Stallworth is known for his spirited but passionate, down-to-earth approach to the exposition of God’s Holy Word. He further learned the art of expository preaching under the leadership of Dr. Stephen Olford at the Olford Institute of Biblical Studies in Memphis, Tenn..


After serving as the church director of youth, the Lord and Dr. McWilson graciously allowed Pastor Stallworth to also serve as the director of missions and evangelism. During a short-term mission and outreach event in a rural community in northwest Florida, the Lord placed on Pastor Stallworth’s heart the need for a Bible believing, Bible preaching and teaching church in that community. In 2003, as a church planter, he became the founding Pastor of New Life Baptist Church in Century, Fla., where he served as the senior pastor for the next seven years.  The Lord then assigned Pastor Stallworth to serve at First Baptist Church of Warrington in Pensacola where Pastor J.H. Miller served as the senior pastor. In 2013, his corporate employer relocated him to Naples, Fla., where he became the senior pastor of Unity Faith Missionary Baptist Church in 2015. After glorious events, challenging times, and even a global pandemic, he was called again by the Lord to church planting. In 2019, Pastor Stallworth planted and currently serves as the senior pastor of New Beginnings Ministries of Naples. The New Beginnings sponsor church is Fellowship Church, where Dr. Timothy Pigg serves as lead pastor. 


As a bi-vocational pastor on his spiritual journey, the Lord has blessed Pastor Stallworth to own a mortgage brokerage business, to serve as the president and chief executive officer of a community development corporation, and to serve as organizational development consultant for an international non-profit organization. He currently holds a position with the State of Florida Department of Juvenile Justice.


This humble, Spirit-led visionary passionately loves God and loves what God loves, “HIS PEOPLE." Under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, he delights in shepherding the multicultural flock of the body of Christ.


Pastor Stallworth is married to Pamela (Goodwin) Stallworth. Sister Pam is a God-fearing wife, whom Pastor Stallworth says is “the best thing that has ever happened to him,” other than his relationship with Jesus Christ. 


We cannot start our journey over, but we can have a new beginning.


New Beginnings Ministries, 5450 YMCA Road, Naples, FL 34109

 ©2022 New Beginnings Ministries. All rights reserved.
Colter & Co. 

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